Friday, June 11, 2010


I've developed an new understanding of the vocalization manifestation technique. I read a series of articles on the Uncommon Descent Intelligent Design blog about Fourier Space and Fourier Transforms, and about how the conceptualization of ideas can be seen as a local space-time conversion of eternal forms (or divine truths, or transdendent themes) into particular physical existences which have meaning in one's current context.

Our intention can be imagined as a device that finds the symbolic representation of the eternal form we wish to manifest (joy, love, health, wisdom, wealth) and our postitive thinking/realization techniques of visualization and vocalization as a fourier transform which translates the abstract form from the divine realm into a specific, realized form here in the mortal experience.

Expressing this interpretation vocally directly projects the transform into the world via soundwaves, while imagining the words or visualizing them cascades the transform through one's body and of course then vibrates out into the world - but, it seems to me, that both writing and vocalizing one's intention more formally propagates this intention into the physical realm.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


First, to define intention. Intention for the purposes of this thread is not "choice" or "decision" or "deliberation"; it is that which precedes those things. Decisions, choices, and deliberations are propelled from intent towards the goal of the intent, whether or not one is consciously aware of the nature of the intent. Intent creates both individuated self and the world, thought and reaction, interpretation and influence.

Intent is the demiurge and localizes in specific entities as specific "stories" or chains of events that reveal the nature of that particular aspect of the divine intention. One cannot "experience" the demiurge in the same sense that they can experience other things, because intent creates experience. Intent is revealed by how it arranges patterns of self and other in order to achieve a certain quality of experience.

Intention created the universe, time, physical laws and materials out of quantum potential. It is primoridal. Before one makes any decision, there is a long pattern of intent on how decisions are arrived at; before one makes a choice, there is a long pattern of intention; why are certain choices being made? Why is information interpreted a certain way? Why do we react the ways we do? It all boils down to intention; what are the fundamental intentions we have that drive every aspect of our lives? In some cases it is efficiency; in others it is pain and disappointment; others intend to find and serve truths; others live to cause harm to others. When we look around, the psychology of others and what drives them is fairly plain in most cases; their story revolves around what are usually very simple, deeply-embedded intentions that they are generally not even aware of. They are nothing more than actors driven by some other intent, by the script within.

At a more physical and apparent level, one need look no further to see the power of intention than the operation of their own body; without knowing anything whatsoever about muscle or bone tensile strengths or biology, or how to convert chemicals into bio-electric impulses that fire in absolute precision; without any functioning knowledge of billions of necessary chemical sequences necessary to, say, play basketball, we can do so simply by intending it.

Simply by intending it, with no understanding of how memory or the brain works, without any functioning knowledge of the involved physics and natural laws, inertia, gravity, trajectory, surface tensions and kinetic force interactions, somply by "practicing" or "intending to get better" we can simultaneously control what is, from the cellular perspective, a universe of complex interacting chemicals and cells we are entirely oblivious to - our inner body, and fluidly dribble and pass the basketball and make shots that drop through a very narrow hoop from 15-20 feet away, keeping in mind all of the other bodies on the floor.

Think of all the planck-distance quantum phase-changes necessary to accomplish this task. At the subatomic level, it is the same as watching a universe dance in an intelligent design. What is it that is driving such sequences of quantum leaps and jumps as chemical binding sites interact and adhere? At this level there is no "motion", there are only subatomic quanta disappearing from one planck-distance location and reappearing at another .. but how? Why? Why do not many things fail every time in the sequence of trillions of planck-distance quantum leaps necessary to perform one dribble, much less play an entire game of basketball? What makes quanta disappear and reappear in the order and direction necessary? They are not bound physically to reappear in the proper space-time location; they could reappear in a host of potential locations and with a host of potential qualities. But, they do not; they order themselves in the sequences and states necessary to accomplish the intended task.

Why should any macro-collection of quanta do anything in particular? They are not bound to appear in any particular pattern for any particular duration of time. What adheres the quanta to patterns that are orderly and predictable? There is no "physical law" that commands a quanta to do one thing or another; physical laws do not govern behaviors of matter, they describe how matter reliably behaves under observation.

Without the observation, there is no "matter", there are only potential locations and states of subatomic quanta. The observer, or the intender, collapses the wave function of quantum potential as specific sequences of locations and values in expected, intended patterns and directions which we then call "physical laws".

Without the intention of the observer, there is no universe, no time, no experience, no physical laws; there is only gray, non-specific potential.

Intention is the fundamental principle of reality.