Friday, November 20, 2009

3rd Step: 10-15 Minutes 3-4 Days A Week

Intelligently designing one's reality requires that one spends some time actually designing their reality, instead of just reacting to what occurs. It doesn't take much time to get on your way, just 15 minutes or so a day, 3-4 days a week.

You don't have to make any drastic changes, like quitting your job as an act of faith, nor do you even have to tell anyone what you're doing. All that designing one's reality differently requires to begin with is imagining one's reality differently. Using free will, we can say, imagine, think things as they will be in our new existence; we can see ourselves in love, healthy, financially secure, with a new job, with new friends or old; respected, admired, in a new house, driving a new car.

When you're alone, talk to yourself; tell yourself that you're loved, healthy, successful, wealthy. Imagine people talking to you with respect and admiration; feel it. Evoke emotion, imagine your happiness in such a situation, imagine your joy. All it takes is about 15 minutes, 3-4 times a week. When one exercises physically, all such excercising requires is that same amount of time and you'll notice changes very quickly.

The same is true of altering any aspect of our reality; all it takes is focus for a few minutes on those things that make you happy, make you feel loved and appreciated and make you feel joy in your heart, and you'll quickly notice things happening all around you, and you'll feel yourself changing as well.

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